Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monkeying Around

Monkeys can be cute sometimes and sometimes they're obnoxious. My mom once worked with a guy who had a monkey. She said the monkey was really annoying because he would always steal her pencils. Heehee. But John found this video of the CUTEST MONKEY IN THE WORLD! It makes me want one. If y'all are wondering what I want for my birthday, this is it. John is going to clean up the poop. I'm just going to play with him. :)

Check it out here (sorry, it wouldn't let me create a link, so you'll have to do the ol' cut and paste):


RBennett said...

What is this??? A new Blog!!! YEA!!!! I love It!

Kelli Proctor said...

you are so funny Erin! Are you getting ready to get back to normal life?