Tuesday, April 21, 2009

SNL Humor

SNL is funny again! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Here Comes the REVOLUTION!

Johnny is officially a baller (holla, holla!) again! He and his brother, Roger, are on the Wasatch Revolution semi-pro team. The team is in the Rocky Mountain football league and they just played their first game last Saturday. It was awesome to see John working it out on the field. At one point, I saw him push 2 guys off at the same time! :) The team even has their own dancers and they did an awesome job cheering the boys (or should I say MEN) on. I can't wait for Mother Nature to finally start cooperating and giving us good weather every Saturday for their games. Look at this guy! Would you mess with him? I dare say you would not! If you want more info on upcoming games, let me know. We'd love to see you there!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New hair

I am so excited that I FINALLY was able to go in and get a haircut! It had been a long time coming! I was a little nervous about going darker, but I'm warming up to it and I think I like it better than the red highlights I had before. The only thing I wish is that my hair would look everyday the way it looked when I walked out of the salon. I told my stylist that I would like her to do my hair everyday before I go to work. Perhaps it's time I learned how to do hair...